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Critical Infrastructure

Mayor Broome announces $15 million grant for Plank to Nicholson bus project

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BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - On Thursday, Nov. 7, East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, Capital Area Transit System (CATS), and Build Baton Rouge announced a $15 million discretionary federal grant for the Plank Road to Nicholson Drive Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. Congressman Garret Graves says the grant will be awarded to the city-parish by US Secretary of…

Graves Announces Duplication of Benefits Update

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Today, Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) announced that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is giving authority to the state to begin issuing Duplication of Benefits checks. Watch here, or click the image. . "This is news that many of you have been waiting on for a long time," said Graves. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has given…

Graves Praises a Smart Fix for a Stupid Problem

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Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana), a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement about the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Terrace Ave. exit at I-110. "I've said it before, this is a game-changer. Not because it is suddenly going to fix all of our traffic problems — rather, it is an indication that traffic solutions are…

With aim of traffic relief, new exit open off I-110 in Baton Rouge; see details

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Aiming to reduce traffic backups, Gov. John Bel Edwards and others Friday announced the opening of a new exit off Interstate 110 south near the "new" Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge.The $9.3 million Terrace Avenue exit will allow southbound motorists to get to the Washington Street area without having to cross multiple lanes of traffic.The new exit begins over Myrtle Avenue,…

More duplication of benefits checks going out

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HUD has approved Louisiana to begin issuing funds to the Small Business Administration, which will in turn apply that money to loans of those who flooded in August 2016 and were caught in a duplication of benefits quagmire.Homeowners were trapped in a law that forbids people from getting double government benefits – SBA loans and grants were funded by the government, leaving people…

WATCH: Rep. Garret Graves Hosts Top Transportation Republican for Capital Region Traffic Roundtable

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Baton Rouge, LA - Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) is raising the profile of South Louisiana transportation, flood protection and other infrastructure priorities this week as he hosts Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO), the Ranking Member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, for a multi-day survey of the Bayou State. To kick things off, the congressmen hosted a…

WATCH: Graves Advances Legislation to Restore the Health of Lake Pontchartrain

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Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) advanced legislation to protect the health of Lake Pontchartrain and to preserve and restore critical U.S. estuaries like the Barataria-Terrebonne system out of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this week – setting the bills up for full passage in the House of Representatives. The committee approved the measures…

Graves Announces Airport Improvement Grant for Louisiana Regional Airport

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Baton Rouge, La – Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Aviation Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) announced today that Louisiana Regional Airport in Gonzales will receive a $1.176 million federal grant to help pay for runway improvements at the facility. "I am excited to join the Ascension-St. James Airport and Transportation Authority in announcing this new…

Parish officials feel road inundation arbitration "went well;" decision could take 60 days

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While FEMA's policy was deemed 'clear' by their administration, parish officials were not going to back down. Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Mark Harrell, along with Parish President Layton Ricks, several LSU professors, and parish attorney Chris Moody boarded a plane for Washington D.C. two weeks ago. Their goal was to participate in arbitration with FEMA over…

Graves announces airport improvement grant for Louisiana Regional Airport

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Baton Rouge, La (LOCAL 33) (FOX 44) – Congressman Garret Graves has announced that the Louisiana Regional Airport in Gonzales will receive a $1.176 million federal grant to help pay for runway improvements at the facility. "I am excited to join the Ascension-St. James Airport and Transportation Authority in announcing this new federal funding, which will enhance Louisiana…