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Internships in the Washington, D.C. office

In the Washington, D.C. office, internships run throughout the fall, spring or summer semesters for college students. Although all internships in all offices are unpaid, students gain invaluable work experience. The hours are flexible to accommodate students' hectic course schedules, but generally run 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when Congress is in session, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when not in session.

In Washington, D.C., interns' responsibilities will vary. They will be asked to answer phones, run errands, research legislation for the Member and legislative staff, attend hearings and briefings, and answer constituent letters on various issues before the House. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office.

Internships in the District office

In the District office, interns may be asked to do a variety of things, including day-to-day office work such as answering phones, writing letters and assisting with media clips. In addition, interns may be assigned to assist in various constituent case work or work on District-based projects of importance.  Interns will be invited to attend meetings with staff members.  They will have an opportunity to staff meetings that Congressman Graves hosts in the office.  There are field trips planned each semester (example: NASA ). Congressman Graves will host a breakfast or lunch where he has one on one time with the interns each semester.

Applications for Washington, D.C. internships are due April 12, 2024. Applications for our Baton Rouge District Office internships are due May 20, 2024. Applications for our Thibodaux District Office internships are due May 15, 2024. If you would like more information about future internship opportunities — please contact our office at

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Contact Information

What are these options?
Constituents who are hard of hearing or use a video phone have the option to choose TDD or VP based on the type of device they are using. This allows our office to respond to them accordingly. The default option 'Voice' is a standard audible telephone.

Additional Applicant Information
Preferred Office Location: *

Emergency Contact Information
Skills Applicable to Internship
Academic Information
Is academic credit available for internships?
Applicant's Cover Letter and Resume:

Documents must be the following file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt

Macintosh users: Your document must have a file extension. Resave it using your word processor with the appropriate extension from the above list.