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Graves Urges Corps of Engineers to Execute Historic Investment in Morganza-to-the-Gulf

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Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) sent a letter today urging the Corps of Engineers to execute the investment of nearly half a billion federal dollars in the Morganza-to-the-Gulf hurricane protection project – the largest investment in the project's history, which Graves fought to secure in the government funding bill enacted on September 30, 2021. "The landfall of…

Graves: What Started as a Crisis at Our Borders has now Turned into a Crisis in Our Communities

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) is demanding answers from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency after what started as a crisis at our borders has turned into a crisis in our communities. The full text of the letter can be found here or below:Dear Acting Director Johnson: I am extremely concerned about emerging reports of federal authorities dropping…

Graves Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Louisianas Seafood Industry for Producers, Processors and Consumers Alike

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) introduced bipartisan legislation that will help to stop foreign Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing that undercuts Louisiana's fisheries. The bill establishes monitoring and detection programs to identify and prevent IUU fisheries from unfairly competing with our domestic fishing boats. The legislation also strengthens…

Graves Condemns TD Banks Expansion in the United States, Supports Legal Action Against Bank Related to Stanford Ponzi Scheme

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) released the following statement after the Stanford Ponzi Scheme trial reached closing statements."Prior to the 2016 Flood, the Stanford Ponzi Scheme was one of the biggest disasters to hit South Louisiana. Stanford wrecked the lives of thousands of Louisianians whose life savings and pensions were destroyed by Stanford's greed. And make no…

What are they saying about Graves' BUILDER Act?

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This week U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) introduced the Building U.S. Infrastructure through Limited Delays and Efficient Reviews (BUILDER) Act, which modernizes the National Environmental Policy (NEPA) Act to make infrastructure project reviews more efficient, reduce project costs, spur economic recovery, and rebuild America.Modernizing NEPA would help fast track…

Graves Pushes Priority Projects at First House Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing with Secretary Buttigieg

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves stressed the importance of the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant program today at the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's hearing with Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Pete Buttigieg. INFRA was made possible due to a Graves' amendment to the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act,…

Graves Intros Bipartisan PROVE IT Act to Bring Fairness, Transparency to Federal Regulatory State

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) introduced bipartisan legislation this week to bring transparency and efficiency to the federal regulatory state – the PROVE IT Act. Regulations cost our families and businesses nearly $2 trillion annually, according to a 2020 analysis by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. These federal rules are an invisible tax – more…

Graves Co-Introduces Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) co-introduced the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) this week to safeguard federal funding for victims of domestic abuse, stalking, and sexual violence. VAWA authorizes vital programs at shelters and social service agencies that support women in crisis. Authorization expired in 2019 because of partisan efforts to include controversial…

Graves Works to Make Lemonade Out of Democrats $1.9 Trillion Bag of Lemons

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) introduced more amendments to House Democrats' budget reconciliation package than any other House Member in an effort to create accountability and improve the $1.9 trillion mega-bill – which, contrary to its title, will do little to provide COVID-19 relief. Graves' amendments would recalibrate these dollars in ways that would actually…

Graves Aircraft Certification Legislation Passes U.S. House, Strengthens FAA's Regulatory Systems

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U.S. Congressman Garret Graves, Ranking Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation, announced the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act (H.R. 8408) which aims to strengthen the Federal Aviation Administration's certification process and improve the regulatory process. "The trust Americans…