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Garret Graves on no back pay for Bowe, the budget, flood relief and universal concealed carry.

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In our weekly visit with Congressman Garret Graves, we covered a lot of ground…. everything from funding government through the end of the year, to his thoughts on statewide reciprocity on concealed carry to a bill he's sponsoring to deny back pay to convicted deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. To listen click here

Graves Bill Bans Back Pay for Bowe Bergdahl

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Congressmen Garret Graves (R-LA) and Tim Walz (D-MN) recently introduced legislation to prevent Army Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl from being awarded any back pay or allowances from the United States Army. Last month, Bergdahl pled guilty to desertion and misbehavior rather than face trial for leaving his post while deployed to Afghanistan in 2009. He will not serve any jail time, and the Army is…

Graves Amendment Designates Cajuns as Endangered Species

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Congressman Garret Graves (R-South Louisiana) offered legislation during a House Natural Resources Committee markup that would designate Cajuns as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), a federal law that provides for the conservation of species that are endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of their range, and the conservation of…

U.S. Rep. Graves Statement on the Shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Four Others

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Congressman Garret Graves issued the following statement regarding this morning's shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others in Virginia this morning:"Most importantly, we are thankful that our fellow Louisianian, Steve, is going to recover and remain strong. We will continue to pray for him, his wife Jennifer and kids as he goes through the healing process. We also…

Graves Announces $6.7 Million for Comite, Additional Money for Critical Projects

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Congressman Garret Graves (R - South Louisiana) announced today highlights of the Fiscal Year 2017 "Work Plan" of Corps of Engineers projects in South Louisiana, including $6.7 million for the Comite River Diversion Canal. Using funds made available by the recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations of 2017, the Corps allocated resources to these notable projects: $6.7 million for the…

Graves Statement on US Air Strikes in Syria

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Tags: Security

Congressman Garret Graves (R-Louisiana) made the following statement regarding the United States' launching of 59 Tomahaw missles targeting an airbase in Syria believed to be associated with this week's chemical weapons attack on civilains by Bashar al-Assad's regime:"While military action must be reserved for last resort and other extraordinary conditions, it is encouraging to finally…

The Comite River Diversion Canal should be built to provide flood protection for area residents and improve our regional resiliency

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The Comite River Diversion Canal should be built to provide flood protection for area residents and improve our regional resiliency. While it will not solve all flood risk, Comite would benefit the most people in the shortest time.The project could be completed in approximately two years – and the state has the federal funds available now to build it. Through funds appropriated by…

The Week in Review

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Below is a snapshot of some of the recent legislation Congressman Graves has been working on in the US House of Representatives. If you have questions or comments regarding these or other legislative issues, contact our office today. Last Week Revisited – On the Floor On Wednesday, the House passed 21st Century Cures, by a vote of 392-26. The bill encompasses $4.8 billion in…

Graves Leads Efforts to Bring Additional Resources to Louisiana Law Enforcement

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Tags: Security

Congressman Garret Graves (R-Baton Rouge) continues to lead efforts to ensure our law enforcement have the resources they need to protect our community and keep themselves safe. The July 17 officer shootings and other events in our city have resulted in millions of dollars in extra costs for our law enforcement community. Graves co-authored a letter with Congressman Cedric Richmond…

Graves Announces $650,000 for Local Law Enforcement Response Efforts

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Congressman Garret Graves (R-LA) announced today $650,000 of federal assistance from the United States Department of Justice to help provide local law enforcement officials with needed resources after Sunday’s deadly, ambush attack on law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.“We are grateful for these much needed resources just days into what will be a long recovery…