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The Comite River Diversion Canal should be built to provide flood protection for area residents and improve our regional resiliency

The Comite River Diversion Canal should be built to provide flood protection for area residents and improve our regional resiliency. While it will not solve all flood risk, Comite would benefit the most people in the shortest time.

The project could be completed in approximately two years – and the state has the federal funds available now to build it. Through funds appropriated by Congress, Louisiana has more than $250 million in available flood and disaster prevention funds. With these Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds, the state just has to prioritize the goals of the Comite project and move forward.

Completing the project would also lower the region's base flood elevation and eliminates the need for many home and business owners from having to raise their homes, which carries a price tag few can afford.

Comite should have been completed decades ago, but now we actually have the opportunity to do it. Let's commit and reduce long term risk for our people and their property from potential future flood events.

Watch a recent interview on the topic that we did with WAFB below.