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Graves’ Provisions Put Louisiana’s Fingerprint on House-Passed Spending Package

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a number of Louisiana-centric priorities advanced by Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) and included in the six-bill appropriations package the House passed today to fund the Department of Defense, Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy and Water, Financial Services, Labor-HHS-Education, and Transportation-HUD. Graves successfully influenced all six appropriations bills and secured wins on issues that matter to Louisiana's families, economy and future.

"While the flawed voting process in the House results in ignoring hundreds of amendments and silencing the voice of millions of Americans, we have still been able to achieve some wins for Louisiana," said Graves. "The legislation has some major flaws, but the language we worked to insert puts us in a good negotiating position with the Senate, where we'll continue to work to improve the overall package."

Graves' provisions provide support for Louisiana's military servicemembers, law enforcement, crime prevention, science and technology, medical research, fisheries, flood protection and disasters, small business owners, ports and waterways, coastal restoration efforts, and more. The following is a sample of Graves' impact on the legislation:

  • Increased funding for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries to collect data, sustainably manage and improve access to Gulf fisheries.
  • Increased funding for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Launch System (SLS) core development and production.
  • $48 million for the Department of Justice Regional Information Sharing Activities program, which will provide funding for Louisiana law enforcement data sharing enhancements crime prevention efforts.
  • Language to expand eligibility for construction funding for Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection project – this provision is in a addition to the significant assistance secured by Graves and announced earlier this year.
  • Several provisions that will expedite the US Army Corps of Engineers' improvements to water flow management on the Mississippi River to help prevent flooding and to provide more flexibility on the use of the Old River Control Structure.