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Graves Announces Another $12 Million in New Grants for BTR and MSY

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves, the Ranking Member of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Aviation, announced $12,333,334 will be awarded to the Baton Rouge Metropolitan (BTR) and Louis Armstrong New Orleans International (MSY) airports. The funds, provided through the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP), were awarded through a supplemental funding opportunity. Unlike most AIP funding, these awards include additional contributions by the federal government, allowed by the CARES Act, in place of local match requirements. The funds for BTR will go toward additional runway improvements and the funds for MSY will go toward completing the taxiway to support the airport's new terminal.

"It's important that we continue making investments in our infrastructure to facilitate the recovery and growth of our economy so we can resume our tourism, business and getting our families working again," Graves said.

Baton Rouge Metropolitan, Ryan Field (BTR)

  • Project Description: Improve Runway Safety Area
    • Supplemental AIP Entitlement: $2,100,000
    • Discretionary: $3,000,000
    • Cares Act Local Match: $566,667
    • Total: $5,666,667
  • Regular AIP: $5,100,000

Louis Armstrong New Orleans International (MSY)

  • AIP Supplemental
  • Project Description: Construct Taxiway
  • Total: $6,666,667

Since January 2019, Graves has secured $36,243,096 for BTR, having announced $22 million in AIP funds in 2019, which bolsters opportunities for airlines to consider adding flights or bring in larger planes. These grants accelerate the improvements at the airport, while maintaining the safety of the passengers, and promote the continued growth of the Capital Region and South Louisiana as a destination.
