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FEMA announces $3.65 million in Hazard Mitigation funds for home elevations and acquisitions

FEMA announces $3.65 million in Hazard Mitigation funds for home elevations and acquisitions

6 homes in Livingston Parish are going up, while six are dropping off the tax rolls.

FEMA recently announced $3.65 million in grant funding was heading to the parish as part of the 'Hazard Mitigation Grant Program' (HMGP) for home elevations and acquisitions. In this case, 16 homes will receive money to elevate to at least one foot above the Base Flood Elevation, while six homes will be acquired by the government and turned into green space.

Without Congressional approval, those homes will remain green space forever and will be non-taxable.

Recently, Congressman Garret Graves announced $5.3 million for elevation funding in the parish, as well. Denham Springs has receives $1.4 million.

The HMGP program is currently running through Denham Springs, Walker, and the parish at large. Homes in severe repetitive loss and repetitive loss areas are being targeted for the two types of mitigation.

Depending on your category, homeowners can receive up to 100% funding for elevations. However, funds are not immediately available for use. Fund 'announcements' mean that the dollars will eventually find their way into local coffers once approved by congress.

Both cities and the parish have participated in some form of outreach for the program. Walker and Denham Springs reached out to homeowners both directly and with community meetings at the Denham Springs - Walker branch of the library.

While there are application periods for the grant, homeowners can apply at any time through either city or the parish. Note that if you live inside the city limits and apply through your municipality, you cannot apply through the parish.