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FEMA Issues Proof of Loss Extension

After an extensive series of phone calls, letters and conversations with the agency, we're happy to inform flood victims that FEMA has issued an additional 60-day proof of loss extension. NFIP policyholders now have a total of 180 days following the date of loss to provide the proof of loss to their insurer.

The extension will help the hundreds of flood victims who have engaged our office properly document their losses and file their claims with insurers.

This is the sort of flexibility the government needs to employ to improve the effectiveness of federal recovery efforts, and our office will continue to push for more of it.

See the official FEMA language regarding the extension below:

To allow policyholders more time to finalize their claims, an additional limited waiver of the 60-day proof of loss requirement has been issued, extending the period another 60 days. With this extension, a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholder will have a total of 180 days following the date of loss to provide the completed, signed, and sworn-to proof of loss to the insurer. This waiver is issued pursuant to 44 CFR § 61.13(d) and the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP). This waiver does not alter any other terms or conditions of the NFIP.

Even with this extension, we encourage policyholders to file their claims as soon as possible so they can move forward with their recovery efforts.