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Critical Infrastructure

Federal guidance on additional flood relief funds could come by the end of April, Rep. Garret Graves says

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Federal guidance on the distribution of additional relief funds for victims of the 2016 floods and other natural disasters may final come to fruition, Congressman Graves told The News in a phone conversation Friday night. The long-awaited issuance of guidance for approximately $250 million could come by the end of April, the Republican congressman from District 6 said. "It could be…

Rep. Graves Announces Federal Funding for Baton Rouge, New Orleans Ports

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Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) announced today that the Ports of Baton Rouge and New Orleans will receive a $3.1 million federal America's Marine Highway projects grant to support a program to put shipping containers on barges rather than our congested roadways. The ports' Container on Barge Service between the Louisiana ports will be awarded the largest of such grants…

New national flood insurance rates could hit hard in New Orleans

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FEMA is now considering adding flooding from heavy rains when defining flood zonesFlood insurance premiums could rise while property values fall under a plan to change the way risk is calculated under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).Right now, the Federal Emergency Management Agency uses flood zone maps as the primary tool to determine rates.The new rating system, however,…

Congressional hearing focuses on future technologies for Americas aviation system

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A March 12, 2019, hearing of the House Subcommittee on Aviation explored what the nation's aviation system and infrastructure may look like 30 years into the future.Witnesses representing NASA, aviation and technology companies, and pilots highlighted the need for the United States to remain competitive globally in aviation by ensuring an environment that allows for the development and…

Our opinion: Flood assistance insult adds to injury

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Two Louisiana homeowners have sued the federal government, claiming that they have been unfairly denied assistance in recovering from 2016′s devastating floods.Their claims seem to have some merit.At issue is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's policy that prevents homeowners from receiving Small Business Administration disaster loans and disaster grants.…

Graves: Statement on Flood Victims Filing Suit Against HUD

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Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) issued a statement today after victims of Louisiana's Great Flood of 2016 filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to force payment for duplication of benefits claims. The lawsuit seeks a declaratory judgement that would force the federal government to comply with a law that Graves and Congressman…

Lawsuit filed against HUD to release $250 million in additional flood relief funds after fix to Duplication of Benefits

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A federal lawsuit filed today will seek a declaratory judgement that would force the federal government to comply with the Duplication of Benefits provision Congressmen Garret Graves and Cedric Richmond authored last year. The legal action would force the federal government to comply with the legislation that Graves, R-Baton Rouge, and Richmond, D-New Orleans, sought after provision by…

Our opinion: A voice in D.C. on climate change

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South Louisiana is on the front lines of the war against climate change, and now our region will have a strong and educated voice on the matter in Washington, D.C. U.S. Rep. Garret Graves, R-Baton Rouge, whose district includes the northern portions of Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes, was named last week to a House committee on climate change. "Energy production and consumption,…

USDA Disaster Declaration Issued for Louisiana Parishes

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Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) welcomed the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) disaster declaration issued for 17 Louisiana parishes affected by excessive rains and flooding that occurred from August through November in 2018. This declaration means that farmers in these parishes are now eligible for emergency loan assistance from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to help…