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Graves Statement on Court Forcing the Biden Administration to Reinstate Trump Administration Immigration Policy

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves released the following statement as the Biden Administration has reinstated the Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy due to a court order, which will return illegal immigrants back to Mexico to await their asylum cases.

Under the Biden Administration's current policy, they can remain in the United States upon arrival until their claims are heard. Illegal immigrants are being released in the United States/in our communities in some cases without court dates. This court order is at odds with an effort by the Biden Administration, through the Build Back Better Act, that effectively gives amnesty to citizens of other countries that illegally came into the United States.

"Just like we've seen with energy and transportation laws, the Biden Administration tried to circumnavigate immigration law too. The ruling by the judge, which is the right decision, affirms what we've been saying about this administration making arbitrary and flawed decisions," Graves said. "Since President Biden took office, over 1.6 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended at our border. Imagine how many haven't been caught. We don't need to import criminal gangs, drugs, or illegal immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador. There is a legal immigration process, and it must be followed. For those waiting here for asylum cases, we are effectively letting them remain here with no court date on the taxpayer dime. And under the Build Back Better Act, we would be effectively rewarding previous illegal crossings with permanent citizenship. This court order requiring the deportation of illegal aliens to Mexico is a step in the right direction and the policy needs to be aggressively enforced."
