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Education and Opportunity

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America's students are in a global race for jobs, and a high quality education is the doorway to those opportunities. Yet the Federal Education Complex, a taxpayer funded multi-billion dollar operation, has yielded sub-optimal results for many of our students over the last 20 years. It's imperative that we take active steps to transform our education system by introducing innovation, technology and diversified career tracks into our classrooms so that we can develop a workforce equipped to step into the economic opportunities on the horizon.

The goal is clear: the best education possible for all children. The question, then, is who is best suited to lead the charge? After multiple decades of underachievement out of Washington, it's time to empower local leadership.

As your Representative I will work with my colleagues in Washington to partner with parents, teachers, principals and local school boards to improve academic achievement in our country.

For more information concerning work and views related to Education and Opportunity, please contact our office.

View information on student financial aid.