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Graves’ Statement on New York Verdict Against President Donald Trump

Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) issued the following statement on the New York verdict against President Donald Trump:

“Today is as sad as it is bewildering. There is nothing just or accountable achieved by this DA, judge or jury.  

“Every American should be concerned about the actions of this New York court today. In short, New York has just perfected what you would normally see by authoritarian regimes attempting to hold onto power in third world countries. Here we have no victim of a crime, no harmed party – just a kangaroo court trying to influence a decision that should be made by citizens of all 50 states through a lawful election.   

“Today represents a new low in partisanship in America. New York – known lately as the place where innocent bystanders get randomly sucker punched in the face – has found a way to outmaneuver banana republics.  

“The actual crime revealed in today’s verdict is the inventive weaponization of the instruments of justice – a skill employed in Biden’s regulatory penal system and in liberal courtrooms in America’s sanctuary cities like NYC. 

“This New York DA and judge are not making their city safer nor their marketplaces fairer. They are not bringing actual criminals to justice. 

“Their only success is to distract a winning president from campaigning to the American people and restoring America’s historic economic and global strength. While some may see this as a victory, it is important to keep in mind – what happens when you or your party are the victim of the political weaponization of our ‘justice’ system?”