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Graves Joins Colleagues to Raise National Awareness about Nutria Eradication

BATON ROUGE, LA – Nutria are an invasive species that threaten Louisiana's coastal wetlands, hurricane protection and economy. U.S. Congressman Garret Graves is using this week – National Invasive Species Awareness Week – to bring national attention to the nutria-related damage and the need for additional resources.

Invasive species impact communities in various ways, which is why Graves joined several colleagues from different communities and introduced the bipartisan Stamp Out Invasive Species Act (H.R. 210). Previously, Graves' nutria bounty legislation was signed into law.

"So long as nutria damage our levees, wetlands, agriculture, and other infrastructure – we will call for their tails. Coastal Louisiana is America's coast and it's imperative we protect our great assets and way of life," Graves said.

The legislation would direct the United States Postal Service to issue a "Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp." The net proceeds from the sale of this stamp would be directed to the United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of the Interior for programs that combat invasive species such as nutria.
