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Press Releases

Nearly $100 Million in Extra Transportation Funds Headed to Louisiana

BATON ROUGE, LA – U.S. Congressman Garret Graves, a member of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, released the following statement after an additional $97,870,585 in federal funding was awarded to the State of Louisiana for transportation and infrastructure projects. These lagniappe funds can be used to address some of the worst traffic in America – the Capital Region.

"The Capital Region has some of the worst traffic in America and these funds should go toward traffic solutions and laying the groundwork for a new bridge crossing the Mississippi River. Anyone that has traveled in or through Louisiana recently can tell you the experience is awful and there are even more growing pains in the Capital Region on the horizon because of the ongoing construction. We need solutions now. I-10 is expected to become an even worse epicenter of traffic and loss of life. The State needs to take these lagniappe dollars – pile them onto the other billions we've secured in infrastructure investments – and put them toward no-regrets strategies to meet the present and future demand. Otherwise, our evacuation routes, safety, economic development and more stand to lose. The cost of inaction is even more significant now than ever before."
