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Press Releases

Graves and Carter Respond to FEMA’s Hurricane Ida Recovery Efforts

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing with FEMA emergency management personnel to discuss their perspectives on reforms the agency should prioritize this year.

Louisiana Congressmen Garret Graves and Troy Carter, as members of the committee, used the opportunity to draw attention to FEMA's challenges throughout Hurricane Ida recovery efforts and issues that continue to plague those seeking relief.

Graves and Carter questioned Chris Currie, Director of Homeland Security and Justice at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (includes FEMA oversight). Their questions included concerns about the non-user-friendly disaster portal website (, the slow rollout of appropriated funds for disaster relief to Louisiana, coordination problems between responding agencies, and the risk of cyber-attacks specifically during and after a natural disaster.

Graves and Carter have neighboring congressional districts and were on the ground together immediately after Hurricane Ida's landfall. They continue to bring their lived experiences and lessons learned back to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and have a shared goal of working to improve and streamline discussions to improve FEMA's procedures and response to natural disasters.

Click here to watch the questions from Graves and Carter.
