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Press Releases

Graves Statement on FERC Clogging American Pipes

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves released the following statement regarding the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) policy changes that will increase bureaucratic red tape for pipeline construction and expand Russian influence.

Two policies were approved, effective immediately – one will revise the agency's project certification process, and another will create a new framework for scrutinizing greenhouse gas emissions.

"For those of you that have been begging for more red tape, more lawyers, more litigation, and more expensive prices at the pump and energy bills, your prayers have been answered. The White House must be ecstatic about this decision. When the United States is the world's largest natural gas producer with plenty of supply, any effort to limit exports to our allies is not the answer – this is just stupidity that will surely be endorsed by Russia's Vladimir Putin. This Administration is fumbling yet another international diplomatic moment with their handling of Ukraine and supporting Europe's dependence on volatile Russian energy supplies controlled by Vladimir Putin. If other countries begin to curtail their energy production and trade to protect their best interests, this major misstep will do nothing but add more global uncertainty and further drive up the cost of energy – while increasing global emissions. Decisions like these support our dependence on foreign energy sources – with no rationale. This Administration continues to make irresponsible policy decisions, and then pretends to be shocked when it leads to an energy crisis at home and abroad," Graves said.
