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Graves Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Prohibit Chinese Drone Purchases with U.S. Grant Funding

U.S. Congressmen Garret Graves and Seth Moulton introduced bipartisan legislation, the Infrastructure Grant Security Act, that would prohibit federal grants from being used to purchase drones that are manufactured and engineered by companies associated with the Chinese government.

Drones present enormous opportunities to improve our lives – they will move us to the next level in emergency response, package delivery, and ensure that our infrastructure is safe – but we can't move forward in a way that could undermine our national security. Legislation like the Infrastructure Grant Security Act would make sure the increased integration of drones does not pose a threat to or undermine all the benefits brought to our communities by this technology.

"The use of drones will keep advancing, innovating and supporting American jobs and improve our global competitiveness. But as we use advanced technologies to better support our nation's infrastructure, it's imperative that we do so in a way that protects national security. It's our job to ensure that as we use taxpayer funds to rebuild American infrastructure, we build up America instead of China. Our security agencies have raised concerns regarding the security of Chinese-made drones. This bipartisan bill will prohibit federal grants from being used to purchase drones that are manufactured and engineered by companies associated with the Chinese government. I greatly appreciate the partnership of Rep. Moulton on this important effort and look forward to working with him to ensure this bill becomes law," Graves said.

"Our Infrastructure Grant Security Act would make sure federal dollars are not spent on Chinese drones. This important step would block China from easy access to sensitive data in the U.S. and strengthen our national security," Congressman Moulton said. "The new infrastructure law will help bring advanced technology to our communities, like smart grids and sensors to improve transportation and energy efficiency. This will reduce air pollution and make it safer for people to get around. Drones are part of that vision, but we can't allow Chinese-manufactured drones to threaten our security and privacy -- especially since we also make them right here in Massachusetts."

Click here for the bill text.
