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Graves’ Bipartisan Legislation Makes Staged Collisions a Federal Crime

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves introduced legislation that would lower insurance rates for Louisiana's drivers by making it a federal crime to stage a vehicle collision and fraudulently claim financial damages.

Following a federal investigation, a massive car accident staging ring was uncovered in New Orleans. As of November 2021, 40 people have been charged (resulting in 29 convictions so far) for intentionally causing more than 100 wrecks. One staged accident alone resulted in a $4.7 million settlement. Graves introduced the legislation, the Highway Accident Fairness Act of 2021, with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar and it is supported by the American Trucking Association.

"Louisiana drivers pay some of the highest insurance rates in America. This is unacceptable and the solutions don't require rocket science. Our bill will prevent criminal rings from further increasing the cost to drive and do business in Louisiana. That one $4.7 million settlement caused all of our insurance rates to go up. Our legislation cracks down on fraudulent claims, increases safety on the roads, and will help to lower insurance rates for drivers. Thanks to Rep. Cuellar for joining the effort, the American Trucking Association, and all those supporting," Graves said.

"Highways are a significant component of our economic supply chain. Every single day, goods flow across states to get food on shelves and products in homes. We must commit ourselves to keeping these transit corridors open and safe all year round," Cuellar said. "That is why we must pass this important legislation protecting our truckers from staged collisions that cause dangers for civilians on the road and economic problems for trucking companies provided an essential service. Thank you to Rep. Graves and the American Trucking Association for their support."

"We thank Reps. Cuellar and Graves for introducing this common-sense bill to curb rampant lawsuit abuse against the trucking industry. Staged accidents, third-party litigation financing, and disproportionate nuclear verdicts are perverting civil justice into a profit center, jeopardizing highway safety and adding more costs and strain to our nation's supply chain," ATA President and CEO Chris Spear said. "This legislation would restore balance and fairness to the system and help ensure justice drives accident litigation – not profiteering and windfalls."
