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Congress Denies Hurricane Ida Aid, But Sends Billions Overseas

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives rejected his amendments to provide Hurricane Ida aid, delay the implementation of flood insurance increases through Risk Rating 2.0, fund fishery disaster impacts and others.

"It is incredible that the U.S. House of Representatives votes to provide over $4,000,000,000 ($4 billion) for ‘Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid', yet provide nothing for our own Hurricane Ida disaster victims living in tents, crammed in hotels and homeless. I opposed this wasteful spending bill and will continue to put the needs of Hurricane Ida victims and our long-term recovery first."

Graves' amendments were blocked by the Democratic majority on the House Rules Committee. The following amendments were offered by Graves to the spending bill designed to fund government operations through February 18, 2022:

Amendment #1: Provides $200 million for fisheries disasters in 2020 and 2021

Amendment #3: Provides $3 billion for hurricane and fire disaster victims in 2020 and 2021

Amendment #4: Delays flood insurance premium increases through 2021

Amendment #5: Authorizes the clearing of debris, sediment and vegetation from drainage canals, bayous, rivers and ditches that impedes drainage
