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Graves and Letlow Work to Ensure Retirement Fairness for Affected Retired Public Servants and Their Families

U.S. Representatives Garret Graves and Julia Letlow introduced an amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill to include a permanent solution to eliminate retirement penalties for police officers, firefighters, teachers and other public servants. Their amendment would add the Social Security Fairness Act (currently 233 bipartisan cosponsors) to the multi-trillion dollar reconciliation package being forced through Congress.

Under an arcane federal law dating back 40 years, millions of retirees from state and local governments and their spouses and families are penalized for their public service in reduced Social Security benefits. Attaching Graves' and Letlow's permanent solution would restore retirement benefits for retired public servants.

"Police officers, firefighters, first responders, teachers and other public servants are already underpaid when they are working. To have an old federal law further financially penalizing them and their families in retirement is unacceptable. Earlier this year, Speaker Pelosi forced an $84 billion taxpayer-funded bailout for private pensions that were mismanaged and if they are now going to shell out trillions more, the least they can do is spend some of the money on worthwhile solutions for hard workers that deserve their fair share in retirement. Congresswoman Letlow and I have a good bill with over 230 bipartisan cosponsors. Let's stop the partisan fighting and make an investment in those help to protect and educate the next generation." – Congressman Graves

"For weeks, the American people have watched while Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats have worked to desperately pass their socialist spending package. It's time for Congress to finally focus on responsible legislation that will truly have an impact. This is a solution that we can bring forward on a bipartisan basis and help thousands of our citizens. Let's get it done." – Congresswoman Letlow

The Windfall Elimination Provision is a formula used to reduce Social Security benefits for individuals who paid into both civil service pensions and Social Security throughout their careers. While the WEP was intended to prevent "windfalls," in practice, it unfairly penalizes public servants like firefighters, police officers, and teachers by reducing their retirement checks.

The Government Pension Offset reduces the spouses, widows, or widowers dependent benefits of individuals who did not pay into Social Security themselves by two-thirds of their government pension. In some cases, this results in individuals receiving zero Social Security benefit, even if their spouse paid in their entire working career.

The amendment can be read here.
