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Graves and Carter Announce $5.8 Million to Advance Apron at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves, the Ranking Member of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Aviation, and Congressman Troy A. Carter Sr. released the following statements regarding Louis Armstrong New Orleans International (MSY) receiving $5,845,00 in discretionary funding to upgrade the airport infrastructure. The funds will be awarded from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and will be used to construct an apron, meaning, areas where planes are stationed for boarding, refueling or other uses.

"Passengers just ranked the New Orleans airport the top airport experience on the North American continent. That recognition comes from the part people see and hear about, but the behind-the-scenes operations help the airport be this successful. This means the airport operations, safety and capacity are running efficiently and this grant, building on top of the over $140 million we've secured, will build on this record of success and will help ensure both the front and back of airport operations remain top-notch. Funds such as these will also help prevent delays and help get folks to their destinations on time. And as our economy recovers and tourism is ramping up, we have to make sure we can meet the demand and this helps us reach the goal," Graves said.

"Safe and efficient airports are the essential to the economic well-being of Louisiana," said Congressman Troy Carter. "I'm proud that American Rescue Plan dollars and other supplemental funds from the federal government are being directed to airports in the state to help them work even better. I'm especially thrilled that MSY was rated #1 for customer satisfaction in North America's large airports. Hopefully these federal funds will help MSY continue this excellent record of service for years to come."

Since being named the top Republican on the Aviation Subcommittee in January 2019, Graves has helped secure over $140 million in federal funding for MSY.
