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MEDIA ADVISORY: Graves Making Ida Recovery Top Priority in House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Today

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves is in Washington, D.C. today to advocate for the needs of Hurricane Ida impacted communities so they can get relief promptly.

Today, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will amend the at least $3,500,000,000,000 ($3.5 trillion) spending package currently being considered by the U.S. House that would expand social welfare programs.

Despite the record $3.5 trillion in spending, including funds for a Pelosi Earmark, butterfly conservation, and desert fish conversation, the bill provides no funds for Hurricane Ida.

A link to view the committee markup can be found here.

Amendments Graves will introduce:

  • Amendment #68 – Adds $10 billion to Disaster Relief Fund (DRF)
  • Amendment #69 – Repurposes funds toward emergency relief for the maritime transportation system
  • Amendment #146 – Provides $200,000,000 for duplication of benefits relief in accordance with Sec. 312 of DRRA for any disaster victim since 2016
  • Amendment #147 – Provides the EDA with $3 billion to assist victims of natural disasters in 2020 and 2021
  • Amendment #148 – Provides the EDA with $2 billion to assist victims of Hurricane Ida.
  • Amendments #151 – Provides $2,500,000,000 for duplication of benefits relief in accordance with Sec. 312 of DRRA for any disaster victim since 2012.
  • Amendment #149 – Provides assistance through the EDA to disaster-impacted communities to improve the resilience of critical facilities.
  • Amendment #150 – Sets aside $9 million to provide assistance to emergency operations centers whose ability to withstand a disaster does not correspond with their risk.
  • Amendment #152 – Provides $9 million for FEMA to provide generators to rural/disadvantaged communities that have experienced power outages due to a disaster.
  • Amendment #153 – Provides $100 million to provide or reimburse eligible entities for assistance under Sec. 1211(b) of DRRA.
  • Amendment #154 – Amends the ANS to include communities impacted by major declared disasters as priority communities.
  • Amendment #155 – Allows the Administrator to prioritize revolving loan funds for areas that have been impacted by a major declared disaster in the last 3 years.
