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Graves and Letlow Bring Broadband Infrastructure Solutions

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves and U.S. Congresswoman Julia Letlow met with stakeholders in East Feliciana to address their limited access to reliable Internet service. There are billions of dollars in federal funding available that Graves and Letlow identified for citizens, schools, healthcare providers, and parish leaders to help improve Internet access in East Feliciana.

Graves and Letlow    Broadband

Click here or above to watch remarks from Graves and Letlow.

In the video, Graves said: "You often see all of these Wi-Fi connected devices and the importance of the Internet for health care, communications, for information as everything is put online. And we can't allow our rural communities, which I know you [Rep. Letlow] have a huge heart for, get left behind. So, we've been working in Congress together to provide billions of dollars to improve Internet connections. We've been meeting with folks today in East Feliciana to talk about where those needs are for better broadband connections and making sure the dollars get here to the right places so people can be connected."

In the video, Letlow said: "We are here to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart and that is rural broadband. Thank you so much for hosting a meeting today where we brought together constituents and community leaders to talk about the funding sources that are available and what they can do to make sure that everyone receives rural broadband. It's not just a luxury anymore, it's a necessity."

Graves will keep working with parishes to identify problem areas, providers, funding streams, and then match funding opportunities to the areas in need of better broadband infrastructure.

Graves has met with stakeholders and officials in East Feliciana, Livingston, and Pointe Coupee parishes to discuss better ways to connect constituents.

To find some of the funding opportunities, click here.