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Graves Statement on $22.7 Million Trickle of 2018 Federal Flood Funds

SOUTH LOUISIANA – U.S. Congressman Garret Graves released the following statement after Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville and Lafourche parishes secured $22,709,500, which is a result of Graves' legislative efforts that secured $3 billion – half to clear the backlog of legacy flood projects and half to provide future protection against flood risks in South Louisiana.

The State-run Louisiana Watershed Initiative recently announced a second tranche of 16 projects across Louisiana, totaling $61.6 million, that is funded by the Graves-secured $1.2 billion federal Community Development Block Grant for Louisiana flood mitigation. Together, these projects will reduce flood risk for communities throughout the state.

"Following the ‘Great Flood' we secured $3 billion to tackle flood protection needs revealed by the 2016 flood and other risks. This is record funding to complete projects that had been stalled for decades and includes $1.2 billion in additional funding to deliver the best flood protection we've ever had. Money is an important part of the solution, but it doesn't do any good sitting in the bank. We're almost five years past the 2016 Flood, years after we secured the dollars and the money is slowly trickling out on localized projects. I'm glad to see project announcements, but this process lacks the regional scale, urgency and transparency taxpayers deserve. A good bit of flooding from the May storm is preventable if we allocate the resources to the right projects with a greater sense of urgency. Some of the projects announced are crucial components to providing our communities, schools, homes and businesses the flood protection we need and deserve," Graves said.

Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, and Lafourche projects and funding:

  • $1.25 million for Bonadona-Cataldo subdivision drainage pump improvements in Ascension Parish
  • $8.5 million for Bayou Duplantier floodplain acquisition in East Baton Rouge Parish
  • $5.7 million for Ward Creek floodplain acquisition in East Baton Rouge Parish
  • $4.7 million for Cypress Bayou green infrastructure in East Baton Rouge Parish
  • $659,500 for Maringouin drainage improvements in Iberville Parish
  • $1.9 million for emergency backup pumps for pump stations in Lafourche Parish

In March, it was announced 15 other projects would receive $163 million collectively in the first tranche, bringing the total so far to $224 million awarded to 31 flood mitigation projects throughout Louisiana. The parishes hardest hit by the 2016 and 2021 floods that received the federal mitigation funding were:

  • Ascension and Livingston parishes: $42 million for La. Hwy 22 bridge construction and drainage improvements
  • Livingston Parish: $15 million for parish drainage improvements
  • East Baton Rouge Parish: $5 million for the University Lakes flood risk reduction project

After the 2016 Flood, Graves secured $3 billion in federal funding to protect our homes, businesses, law enforcement, livelihoods, schools and the communities of South Louisiana. The funds advance flood protection, mitigation and resiliency, including:

  • $50 million secured for Livingston Parish drainage projects
  • $760 million secured for the West Shore Project
  • $400 million secured for the Comite Diversion Project
  • $255 million East Baton Rouge Flood Control Project

The projects were selected based on the State's objectives as administered by the Louisiana Watershed Initiative (LWI) and the state's $1.2 billion CDBG-MIT Action Plan, including natural flood management, flood control and critical infrastructure projects. The funding for these projects is part of the $1.2 billion in federal mitigation funds allocated to Louisiana.

For more information about these projects and their locations, click here.