Press Releases
Thibodaux Receives $2 Million to Upgrade Wastewater System
Washington, DC,
February 18, 2021
U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) announced Thibodaux is receiving a $2,000,000 investment award from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to modernize the City of Thibodaux's Wastewater Treatment Plant, and it is anticipated 225 jobs will be saved and 60 new jobs will be created. Legislation passed last year provided EDA with funds for economic development assistance programs to help local communities prevent, prepare for and respond to challenges faced. "We worked hard to support the City's effort on this much-needed shot in the arm for the Thibodaux community as they have faced a series of challenges over the past year – whether the pandemic, challenges in the energy sector, and now the once-in-a-generation winter storm that is having a large regional impact. And this result shows that if federal and local partners can work together on short and long term infrastructure, we can deliver sustainable fixes while both maintaining and creating jobs, a win-win," Graves said. "Mayor Eschete and the city of Thibodaux will put these dollars to the highest and best use for Thibodaux, helping the region continue to serve as a hub for jobs, energy, agriculture and innovation, and keep the looming threat of deteriorating critical community infrastructure at bay. More from EDA: