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Graves: "We have to find ways to fix what's broken."

Congressman Garret Graves (R-South Louisiana) issued the following statement after legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act was pulled from the House floor on Friday:

"This is disappointing. Instead of progressing real healthcare reform, much of the last several weeks devolved into fact-less, partisan noise. We are all now left with a broken system that interferes with personal choice, forces people to buy unaffordable insurance, makes us pay these surging insurance premiums and higher deductibles and that puts government at the center of healthcare instead of patients and doctors.

Numbers don't lie, and the numbers show that the current system is financially unsustainable. So even if you like your Obamacare, you can't keep it. We have to find ways to fix what's broken. I remain committed to that and will keep working to make insurance more affordable, care more accessible and the government less involved with our doctor-patient relationships."


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