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2025 Member Directed Funding Requests

Project Name: USDA/ARS Sugarcane Research Unit Consolidation of Facilities

Requested Amount:

Recipient USDA - Agricultural Research Service

Recipient Address: 501 Bull Run Road, Schriever, LA 70395

Project Description: The funding will complete the consolidation of the USDA/ARS-SRU program and personnel into a single location by finishing the final phase of construction of an already planned and designed laboratory and office building. The sugar industry is a vital component of the Louisiana economy that provides an annual economic impact of over $3 billion and directly supports 17,000 agricultural jobs. Completion of these facilities would maximize operational efficiencies and greatly improve the effectiveness of taxpayer investments, who, for more than 100 years, have benefitted from significant financial support and access to hundreds of acres for on-farm research at no cost.

Federal Nexus:  The funding provided is for purposes authorized by 7 U.S.C. §2250a, which permits appropriations to be expended “for the erection of buildings and other structures on land owned by States, counties [or] individuals.”

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Houma Navigation Canal

Requested Amount: $3,150,000

Recipient: Army Corps of Engineers (New Orleans District)

Recipient Address: 7400 Leake Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118

Project Description: The HNC is a 36-mile channel connecting the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to the Gulf of Mexico and serves the shipyards and industries which support the offshore marine sector, which is responsible for 20 percent of our nation's domestically produced energy. This region of South Louisiana is also the home base for shipyards that are actively building vessels for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, and National Science Foundation as well as those creating new marine technologies to support emerging markets such as the offshore wind industry. Funding will continue Pre-construction, Engineering, and Design (PED) on the project, to align the completion of PED with the construction of the critical Houma Navigation Canal Lock Structure. The requested funding will fully support the New Orleans district’s FY25 capability for HNC. Providing PED funding for this project represents a critical step to ensuring our private industries have the infrastructure they need to both efficiently and safely operate, which is a valuable use of taxpayer dollars.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is for a project specifically authorized in Section 403(a)3 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (Division AA of P.L. 116-260).

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Morganza-to-the-Gulf

Requested Amount: $93,000,000

Recipient: Army Corps of Engineers (New Orleans District)

Recipient Address: 7400 Leake Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118

Project Description: Morganza-to-the-Gulf, which received federal funding in the past four consecutive fiscal years, is a 98-mile lock, levee, and floodgate system that protects the residents, industry, and coastal ecosystems of Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes. Morganza will provide 100-year, Category 3 storm surge protection to more than 200,000 Americans living on Louisiana’s coast as well as over 1,700 square miles of fresh and saltwater marsh. The requested funding will fully support the New Orleans district’s FY25 capability for Morganza. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because constructing Reach F and designing other critical features of the system will provide immediate benefits to the surrounding community, undoubtedly saving lives and livelihoods from future flood damage.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is expressly authorized within section 1001 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-114). Additionally, the final feasibility study was also expressly authorized in section 7002 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-121).

Financial Disclosure

Project Name: Upper Barataria Risk Reduction Project

Requested Amount: $21,000,000

Recipient: Army Corps of Engineers (New Orleans District)

Recipient Address: 7400 Leake Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118

Project Description: Upper Barataria is critical to safeguarding the parishes of St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Jefferson, Ascension, Lafourche, and Assumption from tidal surges, coastal storm surges, and rainfall caused by storms and hurricanes. The 30.6-mile levee alignment utilizes existing structures, including the Davis Pond Diversion Structure West Gate Levee and 12.3 additional miles of existing levees and floodwalls, to connect Luling, Louisiana, to Raceland, Louisiana. The requested funding would support the New Orleans district’s FY25 capability for Upper Barataria and enable the Corps to begin building the necessary access roads, a critical first step in improving existing levee infrastructure and building new protection. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because completion of the authorized system will protect lives and livelihoods in seven Louisiana parishes from future damage from natural disasters.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is for a project expressly authorized within section 8401 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-263).

Financial Disclosure

Project Name: GOHSEP Emergency Operations Center Improvements

Requested Amount: $3,000,000

Recipient: Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness

Recipient Address: 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70806

Project Description: The requested funding would be used to make necessary updates and improvements to emergency operations centers (EOCs) in South Louisiana, with funding prioritized for East Baton Rouge Parish, Iberville Parish, and Terrebonne Parish. The high volume of extreme weather events in Louisiana is taxing for even the most prepared local governments. According to NOAA data, there have been 97 confirmed natural disasters in Louisiana whose losses exceeded $1,000,000,000 since 1980. By providing critical services, such as coordinating interagency emergency response efforts and managing the impacts of disasters, local governments can use EOCs to ensure timely emergency services are available for affected citizens. It is vital to ensure that these communities have facilities that are modernized and right-sized for their needs and disaster risks. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the dollars will be used to meet the goals of the Stafford Act by supporting fully interoperable EOCs in South Louisiana that can ensure continuity of operations and government during major disasters or emergencies caused by any hazard.

Federal Nexus: The funding requested is for purposes authorized by section 614 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5196c), as amended by section 202 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (9/11) Act.

Financial Disclosure

Project Name: Capital Region Swiftwater Training Facility

Requested Amount: $5,000,000

Recipient: Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy

Recipient Address: 6868 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70820

Project Description: FETA requests funds to construct and install an indoor Swiftwater training facility that will enable Louisiana’s first responders to safely train for real-life flood scenarios. FETA is responsible for providing comprehensive training to 544 fire departments and local EMS agencies across Louisiana’s 64 parishes. Much of this training revolves around water-related incidents like swift water rescues – defined as incidents where water is moving at 1.5 miles per hour or faster – which have become increasingly common due to hurricanes, severe storms, and unpredictable heavy rainfall. The proposed facility would be safer than the existing natural body of water options and provide more versatile and repeatable training opportunities. This project would result in immediate statewide cost savings by eliminating the expenses associated with out-of-state training. There would also be a clear lifesaving benefit for the public and the first responders, who frequently put themselves in harm's way for swift water rescues despite inadequate training.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. §5305(a)(2), which permits appropriations to be extended for “the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or installation (including design features and improvements with respect to such construction, reconstruction, or installation that promote energy efficiency) of public works, facilities (except for buildings for the general conduct of government), and site or other improvements.”

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Bayou Region Warehouse & Community Kitchen

Requested Amount: $2,000,000

Recipient: Terrebonne Parish

Recipient Address: 8026 W Main St, Houma, Louisiana 70360

Project Description: The Bayou Region Warehouse and Community Kitchen is requesting funds to repair and update the internal infrastructure of a warehouse in Terrebonne Parish. Once completed, it would annually serve 6.2 million meals and become a central distribution center for necessary supplies in case of a natural disaster. This final-mile funding would provide taxpayers with a significant return on investment by right-sizing a foodbank in an economically disadvantaged—and frequently natural disaster-prone—community. The Bayou Region Warehouse and Community Kitchen is a valuable use of taxpayer funds since 1 in every 7 residents in the sparsely populated region experiences food insecurity, and current distribution efforts meet only 41% of the need. Unfortunately, the food assistance needs in the Bayou Region exceed the capacity of current operations.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. §5305(a)(4), which permits appropriations to be expended for “clearance, demolition, removal, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of buildings and improvements.”

Financial Disclosure

Project Name: St. Francis Parkway Connector

Requested Amount: $1,000,000

Recipient: City of Gonzales

Recipient Address: 120 South Irma Boulevard, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737

Project Description: The funding will construct a small segment of roadway connecting the newly constructed St. Francis Parkway with St. Elizabeth Boulevard. Currently, the road is only connected to LA-30, which has heavy traffic volumes. Currently, LA-30 serves a dozen large industrial facilities, a landmark shopping and retail strip, and provides connectivity to I-10. Adding connectivity to St. Francis Parkway will open up access to LA-44, which will significantly improve public safety and traffic circulation along a critical commuter corridor. Ascension Parish is the second-fastest growing parish in Louisiana. Over the last ten years, the community – located south of Baton Rouge along an industrial corridor – has grown by over 23%. However, the current infrastructure is misaligned with new traffic patterns and the movement of people through Gonzales. This will provide a direct benefit to taxpayers by improving public safety and the flow of traffic.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. §5305(a)(2). The statute specifies that activities assisted may include “the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or installation of . . . public works, facilities . . . and site or other improvements[.]”

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Resilience Center Artificial Intelligence Innovation Program

Requested Amount: $2,000,000

Recipient: Water Institute of the Gulf

Recipient Address: 1110 River Road S., Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Project Description: This project would utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) to provide technical assistance to state and local governments to better plan coastal projects that would reduce risk.

The planning and information required to effectively protect south Louisiana is highly complicated. In addition to simply what would best reduce flood risk, several factors from public sector project prioritization or land use planning to private market issues such as investment and insurance pricing all play a role. Unfortunately, several barriers exist to being able to collect and utilize this information in a meaningful way.

The Resilience Center would utilize ML/AI to do two things. First, it would utilize advances in technology to more efficiently and effectively collect and analyze the universe of information necessary for decision making. Second, it would create a platform that could produce the most cost-efficient and effective solutions for decisionmakers and allow them to explore tweaks or alternatives while seeing the tradeoffs in real-time.

This platform, or tool, would be invaluable to our local and state decisionmakers by simplifying the exceptionally technical work. 

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §1451 et seq.). Section 310 of the Act (16 U.S.C. §1456c) authorizes the Secretary to enter into arrangements with qualified persons for “the coordination of technical assistance, studies, and research activities” to support the development and implementation of State coastal management objectives. This project fits within these directives because it will provide technical assistance to local governments and non-profits. In turn, these communities will be able to implement resilience projects that support the State’s coastal management objectives.

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: West Ramp Rehabilitation Project

Requested Amount: $5,500,000

Recipient: Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission

Recipient Address: 10264 East Main Street, Houma, Louisiana 70363

Project Description: The Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission (HTAC) is requesting $5,500,000 to reconstruct the west ramp of the Houma-Terrebonne Airport (HUM). The West Ramp was originally built in the 1940s during WWII. An engineering study conducted in 2021 determined that the pavement has reached its useful life span, and it is time for reconstruction. The current pavement is rated for 70,000 lb aircraft. Reconstruction would be rated for 150,000 lb aircraft to meet the load capability of nearby main Runway 18/36. The West Ramp Reconstruction Phase II project will bolster vital assets at HUM and increase air traffic. The West Apron is where all the Airport's Fixed Base Operator's (FBO) operations occur and clearly, it is vital to the continued success and growth of this important asset in the National Air Transportation System. This project is being included on the Airport’s Capital Improvement Plan and has been identified as a top priority for the Airport’s long-term development.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 49 U.S.C. §47100 et seq. Preventive maintenance for the replacement or reconstruction of pavement at an airport is authorized under §47105(e) of the statute. This project would reconstruct the west ramp at Houma-Terrebonne airport and is AIP eligible and is on the CIP and Master Plan, and thus is authorized under the requirements of the statute.

Financial Disclosure

Project Name:  I-10/I-110 Interchange Improvements (Washington Street Exit)

Requested Amount:  $5,000,000

Recipient: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

Recipient Address:  1201 Capitol Access Road Baton Rouge, LA, 70802

Project Description:  Funds will be used to address the I-10 widening project’s funding shortfall and will specifically provide safety benefits to the intersection of I-10 and I-110 near the current Washington Street exit. The current configuration narrows I-10 East to a single lane of traffic as it merges with I-110. The overall project will provide an additional lane of traffic to Interstate 10 and will modernize these existing interchanges, improving traffic efficiency and safety while decreasing congestion and traffic.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the project purposes are authorized by 23 U.S.C. §133 (b)(2), the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, which provides flexible funding for operational improvements for traffic management.

Financial Disclosure

Project Name:  East Baton Rouge Parish Intelligent Transportation Systems

Requested Amount:  $4,960,000

Recipient: East Baton Rouge Parish

Recipient Address:  222 Saint Louis Street Baton Rouge, LA, 70802

Project Description:  Funds will be used to install additional equipment and purchase critical traffic signal performance measures software. This additional capability will allow the parish to dynamically manage its system, responding to congestion in real-time and ensuring that the entirety of the traffic system is working to maximum efficiency.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the project purposes are authorized by 23 U.S.C. §133 (b)(2), the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, which provides flexible funding for operational improvements for traffic management.

Financial Disclosure


Project Name:  Perkins Road Bridge Replacement

Requested Amount:  $4,058,611

Recipient: East Baton Rouge Parish

Recipient Address:  222 Saint Louis Street Baton Rouge, LA, 70802

Project Description:  The bridge across Bayou Manchac provides critical traffic connectivity between Highland Road, I-10, and Airline Highway. By linking the state’s capital to Ascension Parish, the second-fastest growing parish in Louisiana, this roadway is an important traffic artery for commuters and for industry. Unfortunately, the current structure is subject to severe and repetitive flood risk. If the bridge becomes inundated, it will be impassable to all motor traffic until the water clears, which can take several days. The requested $4,058,611 in Community Project Funding will provide for the total reconfiguration of the bridge. This proposal includes elevating the new bridge structure, reducing the number of wooden piles, and removing blockages to improve water flow and drainage at the bridge.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. §5305(a)(2). The statute specifies that activities assisted may include “the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or installation of . . . public works, facilities . . . and site or other improvements[.]” East Baton Rouge Parish will use these funds to improve an important public bridge crossing and thus it fits within the eligible uses of the statute.

Financial Disclosure

Project Name: Capital Regional Fentanyl and Violent Crime Task Force

Requested Amount
: $4,000,000

 East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office

Recipient Address: 8900 Jimmy Wedell Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Project Description: This community project funding request would support EBRSO as they continue to coordinate a multi-agency law enforcement effort equipped with the technology and training necessary to combat fentanyl trafficking and the surge in violent crime in Louisiana's Capital Region. This is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Greater Baton Rouge area has seen record-breaking fentanyl seizures, drug overdoses, and homicides over the past two years. Baton Rouge has consistently been ranked among the top 10 most dangerous cities in America, and in 2023, the city's homicide rate was 2.8 times the national average, with 106 reported homicides. In addition, in the first quarter of 2023, 286 people died from opioid overdoses in adjacent Livingston Parish, with 268 of these deaths linked to synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. A similar situation exists in Ascension Parish, where the law enforcement handled 111 homicides and 168 narcotics cases, resulting in the seizure of over $300,000 worth of drugs.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in section 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10152).

Financial Disclosure

Project Name: Lavey Lane Street Expansion Project

Requested Amount: $3,000,000

Recipient: The City of Baker

Recipient Address: 3325 Groom Road, Baker, Louisiana 70714

Project Description: This funding request for a community project aims to support the City of Baker's initiative to enhance Lavey Lane. The proposed Lavey Lane Street Expansion project involves the addition of pedestrian and bicycle lanes along the existing two-lane road. Additionally, the project includes the covering of open ditches and the addition of paved shoulders to accommodate increased vehicular traffic. Upon completion, this much-needed infrastructure will significantly benefit the developing community and growing businesses in the area. Furthermore, it will enhance public safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the project purposes are authorized by 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(2), the Community Development Block Grant Program.

Financial Disclosure