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2024 Member Directed Funding Requests

Project Name: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Sugarcane Research Unit Consolidation of Facilities

Requested Amount: $35,600,000

Recipient: U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service

Recipient Address: 501 Bull Run Road, Shriever, LA 70395

Project Description: $35,600,000 in funding is requested to construct a joint office and laboratory building as well as two greenhouse facilities, all of which have already been planned and designed, for the USDA Agricultural Research Service Sugarcane Research Unit (SRU). The construction of these buildings will allow the SRU to complete the consolidation of its operations from an out of an out-of-code, structurally and mechanically inadequate, 80-year-old building to a state-of-the-art facility which maximizes existing taxpayer investment at the Ardoyne Farm site. The sugar industry is a vital component of the Louisiana economy that provides an annual economic impact of over $3 billion and directly supports 17,000 agricultural jobs. The increased efficiency of the ARS-SRU project is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the research solutions it facilitates will ensure the long-term viability of the sugar industry by helping to expand crop range and combat constantly evolving pest complexes.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 7 U.S.C. §2250a, which permits appropriations to be expended “for the erection of buildings and other structures on land owned by States, counties [or] municipalities.”

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: City of Central Stormwater Improvements

Requested Amount: $5,792,920

Recipient: The City of Central, Louisiana

Recipient Address: 13421 Hooper Road, Suite 8, Central, LA 70818

Project Description: The community project funding is requested to meet the goals of the Clean Water Act by improving critical junctures within the stormwater system of the City of Central. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will improve the ability of the City's water system to manage and reduce a heightened volume of water during a storm. Without improved management, these systems become overloaded and backed up – resulting in standing water that threatens constituent safety, the longevity of water infrastructure, and collects pollutants. Allowing stormwater to flow more efficiently through the system will relieve these hazards to constituents and meet the goals of the Clean Water Act by keeping our waterways flowing and clean. Furthermore, it will reduce maintenance costs from stream degradation, and improve the flow of water through the City, which will save taxpayers money in the long-term.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized

by Title VI of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C 1381 et seq.. This statute authorizes grants for the purposes of the Clean Water Act by providing assistance for projects identified in section 603(c) (33 U.S.C. §1383(c)).

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Town of Livingston 

Requested Amount: $720,000

Recipient: The Town of Livingston, Louisiana

Recipient Address: 20550 Circle Drive, Livingston, LA 70754

Project Description: The Town of Livingston seeks these funds to complete upgrades to their drinking water system that will improve potable water safety, increase volume and capacity and reduce the risk of microbiological contamination. This project will help ensure that Livingston's water system has the upgraded infrastructure it needs to both efficiently and safely operate while meeting the needs of its growing population, a valuable use of taxpayer dollars. The completion of this project will bring the water system fully into compliance with applicable potable water standards, fully integrate its newly purchased adjacent water system, and implement upgraded water system controls.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes grants through Section 1452 of 42 U.S.C. § 300j-12 to further health protection objectives of the Act which are to set standards that uphold the national drinking water regulations set by EPA.

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: South Flannery Road Bridge & Channel Improvements

Requested Amount: $3,520,950

Recipient: East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (MOHSEP)

Recipient Address: 3773 Harding Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Project Description: This community project funding is requested to support flood protection improvements to the South Flannery Road bridge and channel along Lively Bayou. The proposed project has an estimated Benefit-Cost ratio of 2.70 and is supported by the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), who have certified that they will serve as the State's Administrative Agency. Pre-disaster mitigation efforts authorized by the Stafford Act, like the South Flannery Road Bridge and channel improvement project, are an excellent use of taxpayer dollars because they will help mitigate against the risk of future flooding and thereby reduce the likelihood of future reliance on federal disaster dollars.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by section 203 of the Stafford Act (42 U.S.C. 5133), as amended by Section 1234, National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation, of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) of 2018. Section 203 authorizes funding assistance to States and local governments pursuant to the uses outlined in subsection (e), including “to implement pre-disaster hazard mitigation measures that are cost-effective.”

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Bayou Sorrel Lock Replacement Study

Requested Amount: $800,000

Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District

Recipient Address: 7400 Leake Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118

Project Description: The Bayou Sorrel Lock, which was built in 1951, is the smallest lock in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) system and is unable to support modern tugs and barge tows. The project will fund a study to assess the replacement of this outdated structure to ensure the viability and resiliency of the Gulf's inland maritime transportation system. Ensuring locks are able to handle modern inland marine traffic is critical to ensuring continuity for the critical supply chains that the GIWW supports.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the Lock is specifically authorized by Congress in P.L. 70-391. The study into replacing the structure was authorized in Section 1001(23) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007.

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Houma Navigation Canal
Requested Amount: $500,000
Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District
Recipient Address: 7400 Leake Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118
Project Description: The HNC is a 36-mile channel connecting the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to the Gulf of Mexico and serves the shipyards and industries which support the offshore marine sector, which is responsible for 20 percent of our nation's domestically produced energy. This region of South Louisiana is also the home base for shipyards that are actively building vessels for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, and National Science Foundation as well as those creating new marine technologies to support emerging markets such as the offshore wind industry. Funding will continue Pre-construction, Engineering, and Design (PED) on the project, to align the completion of PED with the construction of the critical Houma Navigation Canal Lock Structure.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because it was specifically authorized in Section 403(a) 3 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (Division AA of P.L. 116-260).

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Morganza to the Gulf
Requested Amount: $28,000,000
Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District
Recipient Address: 7400 Leake Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118
Project Description: The Morganza-to-the-Gulf Hurricane Protection System is a levee, lock, and floodgate system designed to provide 100-year, Category 3 storm surge protection to more than 200,000 Americans living in coastal Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes as well as over 1,700 square miles of fresh and saltwater marsh. The recommended plan described in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers January 2013 Post Authorization Change Report (PACR) consists of 98 miles of grass-covered earthen levees ranging from 9 to 18 feet, 22 floodgates on navigable waterways, 3 environmental water control structures, a new lock complex at the Houma Navigation Canal measuring 110-ft wide by 800-ft long, an adjoining floodgate measuring 250 feet wide, and a dam closure, 9 road gates, and fronting protection for 4 existing pump stations. This community project funding request for $28,000,000 will fully support the New Orleans district's FY24 capability for Morganza-to-the-Gulf.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because it is expressly authorized within section 1001 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-114). Additionally, the final feasibility study was also expressly authorized in section 7002 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-121).
Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Capital Regional Fentanyl and Violent Crime Task Force
Requested Amount: $3,000,000
Recipient: East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office

Recipient Address: 8900 Jimmy Wedell Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Project Description: This community project funding request would support EBRSO as they coordinate a multi-agency law enforcement effort equipped with the technology and training necessary to combat fentanyl trafficking and the surge in violent crime in Louisiana's Capital Region. This is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Greater Baton Rouge area has seen record-breaking fentanyl seizures, drug overdoses, and homicides over the past two years. Louisiana's capital city is consistently listed among the top 10 most dangerous cities in America, and in 2022 Baton Rouge reported 135 homicides, half of them remain unsolved. In adjacent Livingston Parish, 120 of the 151 overdose deaths were fentanyl-related and Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office (LPSO) had over 165 seizures of fentanyl in 2022. The problem is similar in Ascension Parish: the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office (APSO) worked over 800 violent crimes, 158 homicides, and 140 deaths related to overdoses.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in section 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10152).
Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Coastal Education, Economic Development, Innovation, and Research Center

Requested Amount: $4,500,000
Recipient: Nicholls State University

Recipient Address: 906 East 1st Street, Thibodaux, LA 70301

Project Description: The Nicholls State University Coastal Center was established by the State of Louisiana to foster the next generation of coastal scientists, engineers, and stewards and facilitate collaboration between resident and visiting researchers, students, government agencies, and organizations committed to preserving Louisiana's coast. The Center's mission is to support the pursuit of protection, restoration, and adaptation efforts through science-based research to develop solutions to coastal problems for “a working, living, resilient coast.” The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the Coastal Center will provide a hub where public and private entities involved in the joint effort to save Louisiana's coast can come together with the world-class scientists at Nicholls and brainstorm, test, and model coastal restoration strategies for the rest of the world's coastal communities.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §1451 et seq.).

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Resilience Center Catalyst Initiative

Requested Amount: $1,900,000
Recipient: The Water Institute of the Gulf

Recipient Address: 1110 River Road S., Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Project Description: The funding would be used for the Resilience Center to provide technical assistance to local governments and non-profits. These efforts will support development, prioritization, and implementation of coastal resilience strategies that would promote effective management aligned with the objectives of the Coastal Zone Management Act and the State of Louisiana's Coastal Master Plan. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will support national and state-level coastal conservation efforts in my state that is always at high risk from severe storm events and flooding from draining the entire Mississippi River. Furthermore, by providing technical assistance to local communities now, the investment will be returned exponentially by teaching our communities to implement these strategies, without assistance, into the future.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §1451 et seq.).
Financial Disclosure


Project Name: Lake End Parkway Pier Development Project

Requested Amount: $1,850,000
Recipient: The City of Morgan City

Recipient Address: 512 1st Street P.O. Box 1218, Morgan City, LA 70381

Project Description:  The funding will be used to fund the site preparation and construction of a multi-use facility that will include retail spaces for local vendors, access to its waterfront for visitors to take in its unique ecosystem, and a large deck to experience the City's beauty and natural spaces. This project is a sound use of taxpayer funds because it is an opportunity to partner with a historically disadvantaged community to attract additional private sector investment and to facilitate increased tax revenue.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by both 42 U.S.C. §5305(a)(2) and (a)(4). Subsection (a)(2) authorizes funding for projects that involve construction of building, sites, or other improvements. Subsection (a)(4) authorizes funding for clearance, demolition, and removal.

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: 415 Connector Project

Requested Amount: $8,000,000
Recipient: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD)

Recipient Address: 1201 Capitol Access Road, Baton Rouge, LA 80802

Project Description: The 415 Connector Project will provide a direct route from LA-1 to the LA-415/Interstate-10 interchange. I-10 through Baton Rouge is notorious for being one of the most congested areas of traffic in the nation, with the 4th worst traffic in America according to the annual TomTom traffic index report. This bottleneck is the only place along the interstate system which dwindles down to a single lane in each direction. Furthermore, there is no direct link between the busy industrial corridors of LA-415 and LA-1—so travelers must connect between the two highways via I-10. Connecting these two state routes directly would provide a crucial option for those travelers to bypass the I-10 bottleneck while simultaneously reducing the traffic on the interstate. DOTD estimates that the project will reduce congestion by 35-40% during peak travel times.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 U.S.C. §133.
Financial Disclosure



Project Name: LA-30 Widening Project

Requested Amount: $1,600,000
Recipient: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD)

Recipient Address: 1201 Capitol Access Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Project Description:  This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because LA-30 is an economically vital traffic corridor that is too narrow to meet current passenger and freight demands. The corridor serves a dozen large industrial facilities and a landmark shopping and retail strip, as well as providing connectivity to I-10. Widening LA-30 from two to four lanes would enable its northwestern route to better serve existing employers and businesses, as well as prepare for other economic expansions that are currently underway. Additionally, the highway expansion will help prepare for the eventual construction of an additional Mississippi River Bridge.     

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 U.S.C. §133. Under subsection (b)(2), the surface transportation block grant program which provides flexible funding for operational improvements for traffic management. This project fits within this eligible use because it would widen LA-30, decreasing congestion and improving the management of traffic.

Financial Disclosure


Project Name: MRB South GBR: LA-1 to LA-30 Connector (MRB) Project

Requested Amount: $4,400,000
Recipient: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD)

Recipient Address: 1201 Capitol Access Road, Baton Rouge, LA, 70802.

Project Description:  A second Mississippi River Bridge crossing in the southern portion of the Greater Baton Rouge area will provide additional connectivity and capacity where the Mississippi River divides the metropolitan region. Despite being a metropolitan area of 830,000 people, Baton Rouge has some of the worst traffic congestion in the country. The existing Mississippi River Bridge is adjacent to the only spot on the interstate where I-10 narrows down to a single lane. The funding will be used to support the feasibility study and the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study of a second Mississippi River Bridge. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the existing bridge infrastructure along the Mississippi River is not sufficient to support residents during normal rush-hour traffic or emergency evacuations. Additionally, a new connector across the Mississippi River will support South Louisiana's economic activity in the region and increase connectivity on I-10 improving freight mobility at the country's most active ports.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 U.S.C. §133. The surface transportation block grant program provides flexible funding for construction of highways, bridges, and tunnels.
Financial Disclosure


Project Name: West Ramp Reconstruction – HUM, Houma, LA

Requested Amount: $5,033,000
Recipient: Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission

Recipient Address: 10264 East Main Street, Houma, LA 70363

Project Description:  HUM is the gateway to the bayou region, and critical base for commercial aviation operations in the Gulf of Mexico, a key asset in the National Airspace System. Unfortunately, aging infrastructure is severely capping the airport's ability to meet the aviation needs of the community or of its fixed base operators – all of which operate on the airport's west apron. The funding would be used to reconstruct the airport's west ramp, which dates back to the 1940s and has reached the end of its useful lifespan. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will preserve current vital assets at HUM and unlock additional capacity at the airport, providing an economic boost to the region.

Federal Nexus: The project has a federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 49 U.S.C. §47100 et seq. Preventive maintenance for the replacement or reconstruction of pavement at an airport is authorized under §47105(e) of the statute.
Financial Disclosure