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Central resident frustrated with “sliding timeline” of Comite River Diversion project

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As work on the Comite River Diversion project continues, Central residents are vocalizing their frustration with the timeline. The time is ticking as Army Corps of Engineers crews work to complete the Comite River Diversion.

As work on the Comite River Diversion project continues, Central residents are vocalizing their frustration with the timeline.

The time is ticking as Army Corps of Engineers crews work to complete the Comite River Diversion.

Construction of the 12 mile-long channel started in 2020 and the Assistant Deputy Engineer, Nick Sims said, just because you don't see the work does not mean it is not happening.

"If you travel up highway 61, you'll see the cranes in the air. You drive over by highway 19, you'll see the clear 500 foot width of the channel footprint" said Sims.

The $350,000,000 project is getting over another setback.

"We're now moving forward with the real estate acquisition, the number of parcels has increased I believe from 50 parcels to around 80. Over 60 different utilities have to be relocated, so all of that kind of combined to seeing the schedule that we're seeing now" said Sims.

Monday, officials held a meeting to update the public on the progress. Now, the completion date is set for December 2022 and people said, they are frustrated with the pace.

"This idea of a sliding schedule that they live with and just put another year on us is madding" said Central resident, Bob Burns.

The longtime Central resident is one of many along the river who lost their home during the 2016 flood.

He said, the most painful things he's ever done in my life was was gutting the house he lived in for 44 years.

While he understands the process, he said he fears recent weather and enduring another hurricane season could end badly.

"Having protection would be such a relief to know that our house might not flood again because it's just a horrible thought" said Burns.